Don’t Fret About the Polls. Take Action!
For those who want to make a difference in 2024 but aren’t sure how
“My boat has a leak. I’m afraid it will sink.”
What should our sailor do, hope things work out or start bailing? The answer is obvious.
And what is true for sailors is true for citizens: If we want a good outcome in the 2024 election, we need to act.
The stakes are high
We cannot have a president (and administration) who thinks climate change is a hoax; who wants to leave women’s rights to the states; who would screw up the economy with stupid tariffs and corporate tax breaks, who would put immigrants in camps, who would move the Supreme Court more toward the right for decades, and who seeks retribution.
You know the stakes. And you care. But what are you doing to increase the odds of a Democratic win in 2024?
I was not always politically active. I discuss my “conversion” here but the main point is simple: Anyone who cares can start making a difference any time.
Close elections are decided by volunteers
This is an era of close elections so everything volunteers do makes a difference. In 2016 Trump beat Clinton by about 80,000 votes and in 2020 Biden beat Trump by 43,000 votes. The bad news is that the 2024 election is also likely to be close. The good news is that each of us can make a difference.
Still not sure? Here are two more reasons to get involved.
First, taking action makes you feel better. Everything you do improves the odds of your desired outcome.
Second, you will be inspired by the community of people who are politically active and share your concerns.
You should cast your ballot, yes, but you can greatly increase your impact by influencing other potential voters. Here’s how you can reach other voters and make a real difference in 2024.
Donate money
Successful campaigns are well funded. Your donations turn into messages that are received by potential voters.
At ActBlue.com, you can donate to specific candidates or organizations like the Democratic National Committee (DNC), or the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC).
You can also donate via Oath.vote You can donate to specific individuals or groups but you can also donate based on your priorities, e.g., Preserving Democracy, Women’s Rights, Voting Rights, etc. Oath ensures that your donation is not spent on “sexy” races (think Beto running for Governor in Texas) that we have no chance of winning. Donations go to close races where your money makes a difference.
Totally flexible
Several options for reaching voters are described below. How much time you spend on those options is up to you. None of them ask you to follow a fixed schedule. No time this week? No problem, work will still need to be done next week.
More GOTV than persuasion
Are you worried about getting into an unpleasant argument with a stranger about your party or candidate? That’s understandable but unlikely. Much of the work is a persuasion-free “Get Out The Vote” (GOTV) effort. You will provide basic information: let folks know there is an election coming; help them register; tell them when, where and how to vote; and help them develop a voting plan (eg, “I will vote in person at 10 AM and bring my grandma”).
Our job is really a public service: we share basic information (all provided for us by event organizers) with our fellow citizens and encourage them to vote. Much of that work is non-partisan…except for the fact that the folks on the contact list are likely Democrats!
What about Alabama?
We don’t need to spend much effort in states that are highly likely to vote Democratic or in states that are highly likely to vote Republican. We will have the most impact by focusing our efforts on the “swing states” that will probably play a pivotal role in the 2024 election:
Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Online options are easy
Anyone with decent internet and a computer can participate online from anywhere in the world. Two great options are phone banking and text banking.
Both use computer programs that let you make phone calls and send texts from your laptop. You never type in names or numbers. Your computer shows numbers to call or text and all you have to do is press a button.
Both options provide pre-written questions and answers. Much of the language has been tested and shown to be effective. That takes the pressure off, as we know what to say or text in a given situation.
Both options require attending an online training session for one or two hours. Once you have been trained you are good to go for all future events.
How do I get started online?
One option is Mobilize at mobilize.us. You can start by clicking the “Get Out The Vote” button or “Voter registration” or whichever filters strike your fancy.
Here’s an example based on two filters: I checked the box for “Show virtual events only” and under “Campaign or organization” I selected “Democratic Party of Georgia.”

I clicked “Apply filters” and these events appeared.

Maybe you like the event called “Virtual Phone Bank to Register Voters…” Click on the blue button to find out more.

Note that every 2-hour session includes training for newbies — see where it says “NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY”? This event occurs every Sunday from 6–8 PM EDT so if that works for you then can plan on participating every Sunday. If you sign up for events that don’t say “no experience necessary” the organizer will ask if you have been trained and connect you to a training session if needed. To participate in this event, enter your contact info and click on the sessions that fit your schedule (and if something comes up and you can’t attend, that’s OK).
After you sign up for your first event they send you all of that week’s upcoming events. There are many to choose from. Look around; you’ll find an event that fits your interests and schedule.
Hands-on options
People tune out the many electronic ads and texts they get on their phones. What might get their attention?
Hand written postcards and letters. Research shows this is one of the most effective ways to reach voters.
One option is “Vote Forward”. You choose a Social Campaign or a Political Campaign. Then they send you however many letter templates you ask for. You print the letter and fill in the middle with a handwritten note in your own words about why it is important to vote, or why you think addressing the climate crisis important. (They provide sample wording.) Then you mail the letters on a date specified by the campaign. You pay for postage, paper and envelopes.
Another good option is writing “Postcards to Swing States”. They send you postcards, mailing lists and proven messages. You write the postcards, provide the stamps and drop them in the mail. This is an easy and proven way to make a difference.
Knocking on doors
Check out the Flexible Paid Door Knocking program for those who live in swing states. You can earn $125 for every three hours of work! Or you can reach out to your state’s Democratic party.
What if I live abroad?
US citizens living abroad can make donations, text bank and phone bank. Handwritten postcards and letters are a little tricky but if you plan to be in the U.S. you can write some. Same for knocking on doors for a few hours — it can be done. Every single call, text, card, letter, and knock makes a difference.
Folks living abroad can also make a difference by supporting or joining Democrats Abroad.
“Democrats Abroad is the official Democratic Party arm for the millions of Americans living outside the United States. We strive to provide Americans abroad a Democratic voice in our government and elect Democratic candidates by mobilizing the overseas vote.”
It’s a great organization that helps US citizens living abroad navigate the process of voting in US elections. In 2024 the number of votes from voters abroad was enough to put AZ and GA in Biden’s win column, without which he (we) would have lost.
They also have an excellent phone banking program that begins mid-August and goes through October.
And if you live abroad, please VOTE! In 2020 votes from abroad voters put Biden over the top in Georgia and Arizona. There are literally millions of potential abroad voters, more than enough to make the difference in close elections. You can register to vote at: votefromabroad.org
….But what about Joe?
As of this writing it is uncertain who will be the Democratic nominee for President. Should you wait and see what happens?
No. Why? Because we want the Democratic presidential nominee to win, whoever that might be. And we want to help elect Democrats down ballot too.
This uncertainty creates even greater urgency that our efforts be massive and successful. We can do this but we need all hands on deck. If you were wavering about getting involved, waver no more.
OK, I’m in. What do I do now?
Sign up for whichever option(s) appeal to you. A handful of postcards, a few hours online — everything you do makes a difference.
Democracy itself, the climate crisis, women’s rights, an economy that works for everyone, basic decency, and so much more are on the ballot in 2024. When the votes are in and we’ve successfully defeated a candidate and party that must be defeated you will have the satisfaction of knowing you helped make it happen.
If you are ever going to get involved now is the time. Like, today. Like, this very minute.